Effects of hard water on skin

What do you feel about your skin after bathing? Is it dry, rough and itchy or is it smooth, soft and silky? If it is so, then have you ever wondered what it might be due to the water that you use in your daily run-of-the-mill. Basically, the matter that we are unenlightened of is that the normal water that we use has two varieties namely the “Hard water” and the “Soft water”. Out of these two, the perilous one for us is the hard water which needs to be brought up in the note of everyone.

Before probing further, firstly hard water should be explicated so as to understand its consequences more effectively. Hard water is the water that homes to high mineral content such as magnesium, calcium, and salts of copper, iron, etc. Hard water is allocated in many parts of the world. Apart from that, many people are driven by the misconception that rainwater consists of multitudinous chemical compounds. Whereas, the reality is that the rainwater is the purest form of water on this planet. But when it percolates through the soil or passes through various soft rocks like limestone or chalk, it soaks most of the rock and soil minerals and oxidizers and thus gets mineralize. Subsequently, when this mineralize water penetrates into the ground, it gets mixed with ground water and contaminates it as well.

Now this gives rise to hard water and whenever we use it we have to face its dire consequences. One of its remarkable impact can be perceived on our skin. The mineral content in the hard water makes it onerous to form a solution with soap. Due to this, it leaves a scummy residue behind. This residue can be noticed on our bathroom floor and fixtures. Moreover, this hard water even chocks up our plumbing and shower heads but what we may not realize is that the exact same course of action befalls on our skin too. To vindicate, the same soap scum develops on our skin and blocks the pores the same way it blocks the pipes. This takes a turn for the worse for the skin and causes many skin issues like “acne or eczema”. Furthermore, the natural oils generated by our body also get unbalanced. When these pores are hampered, the oil gets locked up and problems like pimples and blemishes occur.

Not only this, it also makes our skin dry, itchy and irritating. It also disturbs the natural process of the oils that is to lube our skin and keep it moisturized. What is more, this hard water also fastens the skin-aging process. Adding to it, the impurities in the hard water form free elements that damage healthy skin cells. This shows the way to fine lines and wrinkles by breaking down the collagen on our skin.

Laconically, it is vivid from the above-mentioned facts that hard water is not suitable for our skin, therefore, proper preventive measures should be taken care of so that this opens doors to a lovely, bright and healthy skin.  


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