

“ One drop can make a difference”   Are you aware where the water comes from? Do you know what the water quality parameters are? How safe is your water? Well, these are the questions you need to ask yourself before drinking water. Most of the people don’t even give importance to their drinking water. As a result, they suffer from various water-borne diseases and malfunctions. Around 70% of the earth is covered in water but only 2% is consumable. However, taking the issue more seriously, about 1.6 % of fresh water is present in glaciers and polar ice caps. By seeing the statistics it can be said that is a shortage of fresh water all across the globe. There are certain sources of water, from where human beings rely on for their consumption. There may be many varieties of ways that water enters in your home. Some of the common ways which can be seen in every house are listed below:   River Water/ Surface Water: - Water which comes through municipal


Today everybody is preferred disposable container for food and drinking water. Every food either it is in form of liquid or solid, wrapped in a plastic container and sheet. Drinking water is now in a plastic bottle. Every drinking item is coming into a plastic bottle. It is easy to pick and easy to use. After using it everybody throws it but nobody wants to know that how harmful this plastic waste is to our environment. Plastic is most harmful to the entire environment and it is not recyclable. Plastic never ends. In a research, it is found that plastic bottles and plastic waste blocked the ocean and sewage. A study that came out last year estimated that about 8 million tons of plastic waste enters the oceans annually. Environment Secretary Michael Gove said there was no doubt that plastic was “wreaking havoc” on the marine environment and discarded plastic bottles and cans “end up dumped on pavements and lobbed into rivers, lakes and the sea”. “We have already banned

Waterborne Diseases that can be Caused by Polluted Water:

Technically, water is a transparent and nearly colorless chemical substance that is the main constituent of Earth's streams, lakes and oceans and the fluids of the most living organisms. Its chemical formula is H2O,meaning that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrozen atoms that are connected by covalent bonds. According to simple formula of humans, water is a crucial need which helps to survive on earth. Without water, not only human but also animals and plants not gonna survive.  But somewhere, water is so much polluted that is not even drinkable and because of that it can be caused many Waterborne Diseases in Humans. Here is a list top five waterborne dieases in terms of their incidences worldwide: 1.Diarrhoea (Most common one) Diarrhoea is defined by the world organisation as having three or more loose liquid stools per day, or a having more stools than is normal for that person. This dieases spreads through food and drinking water that h


It has been recently seen by the scientist that water is so important for our body and our immunity system. We use water to process several functions of our body. Over 70% of our body is water. Our nervous system which is responsible for sending the electrical signals to every cell in our body is really a system of miniscule waterways. A lack of water is disturbed this system and cause to lead the dehydration of the nervous system. Many scientist and doctors agree on this one point that this condition is caused by many neurological disorders. Our digestive system required pure water to digest our food as well as get the optimal nutrient absorption. Pure water can also either positively or negatively affect our energy levels depending on whether or not we are properly hydrated, in fact, it has been proven in clinical studies that even a 5% reduction in body fluids can cause as much as a 30% loss of energy and a 15% drop in body fluids leads to death. Knowing ho