Today everybody is preferred disposable container for food and drinking water. Every food either it is in form of liquid or solid, wrapped in a plastic container and sheet. Drinking water is now in a plastic bottle. Every drinking item is coming into a plastic bottle. It is easy to pick and easy to use. After using it everybody throws it but nobody wants to know that how harmful this plastic waste is to our environment. Plastic is most harmful to the entire environment and it is not recyclable. Plastic never ends. In a research, it is found that plastic bottles and plastic waste blocked the ocean and sewage. A study that came out last year estimated that about 8 million tons of plastic waste enters the oceans annually.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said there was no doubt that plastic was “wreaking havoc” on the marine environment and discarded plastic bottles and cans “end up dumped on pavements and lobbed into rivers, lakes and the sea”.

“We have already banned harmful microbeads and cut plastic bag use, and now we want to take action on plastic bottles to help clean up our oceans,” he said.
“We need to see a change in attitudes and behavior. And the evidence shows that reward and return schemes are a powerful agent of change.”

UK consumers use around 13 billion plastic drinks bottles a year but more than three billion are not recycled.
Scotland has already announced plans for a deposit return scheme and Wales has launched a study to consider it. The announcement has been welcomed by environmental campaigners, but the industry may be worried about the price tag. Because deposit increases the prices. But consumer gets back his money when he deposits the empty container back. The scheme is expected to cover single-use glass and plastic bottles, and steel and aluminum cans.

Full details are subject to consultation and yet to be decided, including how big the deposit will be. This type of scheme is maybe successful. it is in the future happening. so we have to decide what future we want to give our next generation.
we have to plan for our daily routine and decide to forget the plastic use.
    1. Use home filter water instead of bottled water.
    2. Forget the use of plastic sheet to wrap the food.
    3. Use paper cup or plates instead of plastic cup or plates.
    4. Never throw the bottles or cup into river or ocean. use dustbin.
    5. It has also committed to removing all plastic cotton buds, a major source of ocean plastic pollution.
We know that it is not easy to do all things so early. But if we start it from today than we achieve the desired goal. Nature gives us so many priceless things like pure, air water and food without any costs but we give her back so much plastic who spoil our environment so badly. so we have to decide to clean our environment and save the earth and save the life.


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