New Study Says Drink According to Thirst

A normal study says that a human needs six to eight glass of water in a day. Now the question is, the drinking habit of six and eight glass of water daily is correct. We always taught to stay healthy in our life to drink eight glass of water daily and each glass contains eight-ounce water. Now the question is only water will fulfil this requirement. “Only drink water when thirsty,” the study simply concludes.


According to the study, when not thirsty, the body actively makes swallowing extra water more difficult. The brain has to override this inhibition in order to intake more water. When you are not thirsty and you drink water, you can develop a condition named "hypernatremia". In this case, the excess water can flood your body's cells and be causing them to swell up. so if you want to examine yourself that your body gets enough water, is to look at the colour of your urine. If it is a pale straw colour, you getting enough and if it is dark yellow you want more. 

“If we just do what our body demands us so we’ll probably get it right – just drink according to thirst rather than an elaborate schedule,” states study co-author Michael Farrell.
So there you have it folks, when thirsty, be sure to drink a healthy glass of water. As far as rules go, this one seems fairly simple to follow.
So stay thirsty for more water knowledge my friends,


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