These contaminants could be in your drinking water

Contaminated drinking water is a global problem that has become a topic of discussion for the whole of North America as well as Canada, India and other developing and developed countries. Drinking contaminated water can cause serious illnesses such as low fertility mood disorders and severe headaches. After on-going epidemics such as the lead-laced drinking water in Flint, Michigan, being able to make sure that one’s drinking water is sanitized and safe to drink has become a top priority for many North Americans. For today’s blog post, we are going to take a closer look at three of the most commonly found contaminants that could be hiding in your drinking water.


Lead is a toxic metal that can be affected by young children, pregnant women, and adults. Lead is particularly dangerous for children, where high levels of lead exposure can result in developmental issues and learning disabilities. Recent contamination issues such as the drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has highlighted the widespread problem of lead-contaminated drinking water. In fact, in a recent study conducted by the Environment America, Research & Policy Center found lead in the drinking water of schools across the United States. Lead exposure can result in reduced fertility, mood disorders, and severe headaches. Lead is particularly dangerous for children, where high levels of lead exposure can result in developmental issues and learning disabilities.

2. Atrazine (Herbicide)

Atrazine is one of the most commonly used herbicides in North America, and one of the most common contaminants found in drinking water.Used on golf courses, lawns, and food crops, Atrazine can find its way into your water supply through runoff from rain or snowfall.Atrazine is known to cause strange sexual side-effects in aquatic life, such as turning male fish and frogs into females.In humans, exposure to Atrazine can cause lower sperm counts, decreased fertility, and an increased risk of prostate cancer.

3. Heavy Metals

Heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, and arsenic can also find their way into your drinking water.Old paint, industrial facilities, and mining operations can all lead to heavy metal contamination in your water supply.Heavy metal consumption can cause arthritis and permanent damage to an individual's nervous system.

So there you have it, three common contaminants to keep an eye out for.If you are at all concerned about the quality of your drinking water, be sure to protect yourself and your family by using only filtered water that can reduce the contaminants that can be lurking in your water.


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