Drinking water can boost your brain's ability

Drinking water is also important for the brain along with our whole body. 70% of our body is water and every part of the body depends on clean water.  Drinking water and brain capacity work together.  Clean water Deficiency of the brain and its development has a profound effect on development.

                    The brain is a very important part of the body.  85% of the brain is water. A common person drinks only 32 ounce of water in the United States, while 80 ounce water extends outward by breathing through sweating and other actions. If you drink less than 80 ounce water then there will be serious consequences on the brain. According to one conclusion, brain elements should have twice as much energy than other body elements and water provides energy to the brain more than any other source.

                Our brain cells maintain a delicate balance of water in order to function properly. When dehydrated, that balance is disrupted, causing your brain cells to lose their ability to optimally function. This disrupted balance results in the cognitive performance losses experienced while dehydrated.

So for all of our readers currently in school with exams on the horizon, make to keep those brain cells happy by staying hydrated.


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