Understand the stress and win it

Stress or pressure normally is seen in negative. But it is different from reality, According to some winners stress is one of the most positive things. The football player NEMAR says "my performance improves from stress. On the other hand, the famous Indian cricketer Virat Kohli says" pressure and tension give me the inspiration to become better.
              Now the question is stress so necessary for life. According to Psychology stress is better for any work and better for success in busy life. But it is also true that excess stress is also not good for health. When stress going beyond the limits it has some negative effects and results begin to be negative. Feeling lack of happiness.

 The stress is necessary for life because--
  • It increases the focus of meditation.
  • our efforts come to perfection
  • the correctness of the work increase
  • the move towards the better
  • the chances of achieving the goal increase
  • we continue to run our own development process.

But the overabundance of stress can be fatal, which we can control in the following steps:-

  • Become self-confident
  • take the time to exercise
  • take a well-lit self-diary. 
  • meet your true friends.

now, friends, it's upon us wants we want to take stress or a good life. Stress is only inspired to make stuff and good but it is only for those people who make his thought positive.

Swift green filter always step forward in positive thinking and work in the direction of eco-friendly strategy


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