The role of water in life

Often we listen that we have to drink minimum eight glass of water to stay fit and healthy. Most of the people knew that they need water to make their mind and skin fit and healthy. But the big question is occurring that what is the importance of water in our life. What kind of water we have to drink and the question is what the role of water is to make a healthy lifestyle? Water makes the human body hydrate and removes toxins from our body. Water is beneficial to make human body hydrate and help to keep important human organs running. Water has a big role to keep running and flesh out the toxins of the body. Water helps to stay hydrated and keep skin fresh and avoiding dermatological complication such as acne. Now how we check out that how much water your body needs. The simple way to check it to see your urine color. Dark color urine shows that you need more water than you consume daily. Finding the right water balance in every human i...