
Showing posts from October, 2017

The role of water in life

Often we listen that we have to drink minimum eight glass of water to stay fit and healthy.  Most of the people knew that they need water to make their mind and skin fit and healthy. But the big question is occurring that what is the importance of water in our life. What kind of water we have to drink and the question is what the role of water is to make a healthy lifestyle? Water makes the human body hydrate and removes toxins from our body.  Water is beneficial to make human body hydrate and help to keep important human organs running. Water has a big role to keep running and flesh out the toxins of the body. Water helps to stay hydrated and keep skin fresh and avoiding dermatological complication such as acne.         Now how we check out that how much water your body needs. The simple way to check it to see your urine color. Dark color urine shows that you need more water than you consume daily. Finding the right water balance in every human is very important. That is bas

Understand the stress and win it

Stress or pressure normally is seen in negative. But it is different from reality, According to some winners stress is one of the most positive things. The football player NEMAR says "my performance improves from stress. On the other hand, the famous Indian cricketer Virat Kohli says" pressure and tension give me the inspiration to become better.               Now the question is stress so necessary for life . According to Psychology stress is better for any work and better for success in busy life. But it is also true that excess stress is also not good for health. When stress going beyond the limits it has some negative effects and results begin to be negative. Feeling lack of happiness.  The stress is necessary for life because-- It increases the focus of meditation. our efforts come to perfection the correctness of the work increase the move towards the better the chances of achieving the goal increase we continue to run our own development proce

Know the water

Water is a fundamental element of our daily life. Without water, we can't imagine our life. Water is the backbone of our life. Water is so important for us, so it is important to know about the potential hazards of water. While some contaminate affect your water. They affect the taste, odor, and color of the water. It is important to know the health risks of your water. On those results, you can evaluate and decide the correct water filtration system for your family.                Water is the basic necessity of our life. No living things can imagine living without water. Water is our most important resource for existence. For good health, a normal person consumes a 7=8 glass of water. During exercise and hot days, we can improve its limits than normal consumption.                  Now the question is how much water is on earth. Is the available water quality is suitable for us? We can understand it by this. 75 % of the earth is made from water, and 97% of it is salte

Drinking water can boost your brain's ability

Drinking water is also important for the brain along with our whole body. 70% of our body is water and every part of the body depends on clean water.  Drinking water and brain capacity work together.  Clean water Deficiency of the brain and its development has a profound effect on development.                     The brain is a very important part of the body.  85% of the brain is water. A common person drinks only 32 ounce of water in the United States, while 80 ounce water extends outward by breathing through sweating and other actions. If you drink less than 80 ounce water then there will be serious consequences on the brain. According to one conclusion, brain elements should have twice as much energy than other body elements and water provides energy to the brain more than any other source.                 Our brain cells maintain a delicate balance of water in order to function properly. When dehydrated, that balance is disrupted, causing your brain cells to lose the

Change lives with clean water

There is a famous saying that " A sound mind has a sound body. " With a sound body, man can do more work than a normal man. The very first need of a sound body is clean water. In search, it is proved that water can boost the mental ability.  Water is the real backbone of our life. Now the question is how we get clean water in this busy life and polluted environment, and how clean water changes our life. We all know that water is the basic contents of our food and water can hydrate of our body and flesh out the toxins from our body. Access to safe drinking water really does change lives. All the kids can go to school without sicking. Women can do extra work on the rest time who they spend on care to their kids when they become sick. Normally women spend their time boiling dirty water or care to their kids when they sick or ill due to drinking dirty water habits. Dirty water kills more people than all forms of violence including wars. Diaria kills forty percent of children