
Showing posts from September, 2017

Water position in America’s three big cities

Water position in America's three big cities  1. Las Vegas  LAS VEGAS Las Vegas is a most visited and popular city in America. The economy of this city is based on tourism. More than 30 million peoples visit this city with more than 2 million residents of this city. When visitors come to this city, the most requirement of visitors is water. If there is no clean water no tourism. The situation is as bad as you can imagine,” said Tim Barnett, a climate scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “It’s just going to be screwed. And relatively quickly. Unless it can find a way to get more water from somewhere Las Vegas is out of business. Las Vegas gets just four inches of rain in a good year, and in the first four months of 2014, there was just 0.31 of an inch. The Southern Nevada Water Authority, which has the task of keeping the city from running dry, has described the effects of the drought as “every bit as serious as a Hurricane Katrina or a S

The water you drink is safe for you?

Today, the person needs a lot of energy for a life filled with race. Research has proven that clean water is also a good source of energy for health. Now the question arises, is it possible on the basis of whether you drink clean water every day It's not as safe as you think. Old sewage treatment values ​​can often leave different types of contaminated substances in water that depend on families based on your needs and on the basis of pollution levels in the water Swift Green Filters according to your filtration requirements, - Provides three different product line. Swift Greens filter provides the best quality water pollution filtration in the  RX industry, to reduce all water pollution by reducing.  THE WATER YOU DRINK IS SAFE FOR YOU? Swift GreenFilters reduce (such as lead, pesticides, herbicides, and mercury), Swift Green Rx filters also significantly reduce pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drug contamination. Significantly reduces the green field due to some o

Certified qualities setting the standards for water quality

Always trying to deliver the highest quality products through the combination of innovative technology and the dedication to perfection, Swift Green Fields has always been a major social responsibility. In addition to our current NSF standard 42 certificates, Swift Green Filters is currently in the process of being certified by both our centers NSF and IAMPO.For today's blog post we see a subtle glimpse of all these well-respected companies. 1. WQA  WQA(Water Quality Association) The WQA stands for the Water Quality Association .Since 1974. WQA mission is always to provide the facilities to improve water quality in order to increase life independently. The WQA's research branch actively works to advance water quality technologies and to inform consumers of the benefits gained from water treatment procedures. The WQA awards products which comply with their high-standards under rigorous testing a Gold-Seal certificate as a symbol of integrity and safety. 2. N

These contaminants could be in your drinking water

Contaminated drinking water is a global problem that has become a topic of discussion for the whole of North America as well as Canada, India and other developing and developed countries. Drinking contaminated water can cause serious illnesses such as low fertility mood disorders and severe headaches. After on-going epidemics such as the lead-laced drinking water in Flint, Michigan, being able to make sure that one’s drinking water is sanitized and safe to drink has become a top priority for many North Americans. For today’s blog post, we are going to take a closer look at three of the most commonly found contaminants that could be hiding in your drinking water. 1. LEAD Lead is a toxic metal that can be affected by young children, pregnant women, and adults. Lead is particularly dangerous for children, where high levels of lead exposure can result in developmental issues and learning disabilities. Recent contamination issues such as the drinking water crisis in Fli

Lose Weight and Have More Energy: 4 Surprising Benefits From Drinking Water

Drinking water is also important for the brain along with our whole body. 70% of our body is water and every part of the body depends on clean water. Drinking water and brain capacity work together. Clean water Deficiency of the brain and its development have a profound effect on development. LOSS WEIGHT AND HAVE MORE ENERGY The brain is a very important part of the body. 85% of the brain is water. A common person drinks only 32 ounces of water in the United States, while 80-ounce water extends outward by breathing through sweating and other actions. If you drink less than 80-ounce water then there will be serious consequences on the brain. According to one conclusion, brain elements should have twice as much energy than other body elements and water provides energy to the brain more than any other source. Our brain cells maintain a delicate balance of water in order to function properly. When dehydrated, that balance is disrupted, causing your brain cells to lose their abi

Tips for Staying Green

Due to very changing climate change, moral responsibility is created for every man to take action on his head to keep the earth green. It is a huge responsibility on us to protect the environment for our future generations. Regardless, a person can take a step towards changing the environment by making changes in his lifestyle. For today's blog post, we here at Swift Green are going look at some simple tips to make your everyday routine a little more green. Save energy Make sure you install LED bulbs or tubes light when your older LCD bulbs or tube lights burn out. These light bulbs significantly reduce energy consumption while providing the more amount of light. Make sure to turn off your lights and electronic devices when they are not in use. Simply remembering to turn off electronics before commuting to work can help save energy and save you money on your electricity bill. 1. Save Water SAVE WATER SAVE LIFE To make our earth green one great way to reduce water us

Effects of Hard water on hair

“Hard Water” is the water that consists paramount of mineral content like calcium, magnesium, etc. All such minerals are favorable for our internal body but have adverse effects on our external body especially on the hair. Formation of hard water occurs when percolation of water through the heavy masses of limestone and chalk happens as they contain a lot of carbonates like calcium and magnesium . REPRESENTATION OF HARD WATER V/S SOFT WATER Hard water causes:  Dandruff or Eczema on the scalp  Hair loss  Split Ends  Hair Thinning  Tangled Hair  Dull, dry, frizzy and lifeless hair  Graying of hair Wondering how? Well, the response is, numerous minerals are present in hard water which is husky for hair. These minerals cause weakening of hair and as a result, give rise to hair loss or hair fall. Scientifically as well, our hair is negatively charged (-) and these minerals are positively charged (+) . When these chemical compounds come in contact with our hair,

Water Pollution by Industries

There is no dearth of resources on this planet. Our mother earth has blessed the humankind with ample amount of resources which are even beyond the imagination of the humans. One of these is the “water” which is an elixir for human life. But now the scenario has changed completely. Instead of paying gratitude to the mother earth, humans are misappropriating this resource and have taken it for granted. What is more, they are not only missing it but are also polluting this ambrosia. “Water-Water everywhere, not a drop to drink”- this is the present world we are living in. Our so-called development in the industrial sector has played a crucial role in polluting the water. Industries have worked day and night to make the above-said statement a horrible reality of life. Undoubtedly, industrial development is must for any nation but such a development at the expense of our valuable resources is nothing, but mere a waste.  WATER POLLUTION BY INDUSTRIES The pollutants produced b


We already discuss the bottled water, its price, its cost and effect on the environment. Most of the water bottles are made from a kind of plastic name "Polyethylene Terephthalate".  BOTTLED WATER V/S TAP WATER Manufacturing these type of plastic product produce a variety of toxic chemicals into the air. Second water bottles use energy at every stage of making like making the bottle, filling them, shipping them etc. Well, you might be surprised to know that over the last years the bottled water industry has grown up to 13%.Statistics show that customers are choosing bottled water over soft drinks as a healthier alternative. Is this water that much healthier than tap water though? In a research worldwide nearly one out of every ten people in the world don't have reliable access to clean water. In America, Americans have much reason to prefer bottled water to tap water. Some like taste of the water and some prefer portability or disposable bottle.But all of this

New Study Says Drink According to Thirst

A normal study says that a human needs six to eight glass of water in a day. Now the question is, the drinking habit of six and eight glass of water daily is correct. We always taught to stay healthy in our life to drink eight glass of water daily and each glass contains eight-ounce water. Now the question is only water will fulfil this requirement. “Only drink water when thirsty,” the study simply concludes. DRINK ACCORDING TO THIRST According to the study, when not thirsty, the body actively makes swallowing extra water more difficult. The brain has to override this inhibition in order to intake more water. When you are not thirsty and you drink water, you can develop a condition named "hypernatremia". In this case, the excess water can flood your body's cells and be causing them to swell up. so if you want to examine yourself that your body gets enough water, is to look at the colour of your urine. If it is a pale straw colour, you getting enough and if it

Effects of hard water on skin

What do you feel about your skin after bathing? Is it dry, rough and itchy or is it smooth, soft and silky? If it is so, then have you ever wondered what it might be due to the water that you use in your daily run-of-the-mill. Basically, the matter that we are unenlightened of is that the normal water that we use has two varieties namely the “Hard water” and the “Soft water”. Out of these two, the perilous one for us is the hard water which needs to be brought up in the note of everyone. EFFECTS OF HARD WATER ON SKIN Before probing further, firstly hard water should be explicated so as to understand its consequences more effectively. Hard water is the water that homes to high mineral content such as magnesium, calcium, and salts of copper, iron, etc. Hard water is allocated in many parts of the world. Apart from that, many people are driven by the misconception that rainwater consists of multitudinous chemical compounds. Whereas, the reality is that the rainwater is th

Irma hurricane another disaster after the HARVEY hurricane

24 hours after the catastrophic destruction of the US state of Florida, Irma hurricane has become weak, it has turned into a storm of three to one category. Its speed decreased by 185 kilometers per hour to 120 km. Florida's 400,000,000 homes have lost electricity, about 5 deaths reported that the five category storm struck at 296 kilometers per hour from Caribbean islands. 90% of small islands like Barbora, Antigua, Saint Martin Puerto Rico have been destroyed. There is a situation like floods in Cuba and Haiti. After the robbery of the crime, police have imposed a curfew in Miami. 28 people have also been arrested, because of Irma, Walt Disney was stopped for the sixth time in 45 years of history. According to a research, the US and Caribbean countries have suffered a loss of Rs 8 lakh crore. Swift green filters always stand with the people of America. After the HARVEY hurricane now IRMA hurricane disturb the peaceful life of U.S.A. peoples.

Disaster day in the history of North America

September 1st, 2017 is a big disaster day in the history of North America. Texas struggled with Harvey flooding.   Hurricane Harvey disturbs the peaceful life of the Texas City of North America. Basic things of life are difficult to arrange for the people of Texas City like fresh air and pure drinking water. Due to blast in a chemical factory of Texas City the air and water of Texas City are polluted. Swift Green Filters team is with the people of Texas City and pray for those people who died in this disaster especially local football team coach and six people of a family. Nobody fills their blanks in their nearby person. Swift Green Filters team salute the firefighter and another emergency personnel who going door to door looking for residents who are living in flooded homes and may need aid. Emergency Service personnel in the affected area also gets their water filter for free offer end on September 15, 2017 Swift Green Filters team is also worried about thos

Disadvantages of Bottled Water

In today’s scenario, every human strives to get best for himself. Same as in the case of health. They are even concerned about the water they drink. This is the reason that there is no dearth of bottled water on earth today. They are acquainted only with the positives of the bottled water which they take as mineral water. At prima facie, it seems alright. But on the flip virtue, this so-called mineral water has many adverse effects. In present times multifarious disadvantages are faced by the masses consuming this. BOTTLED WATER The first and the foremost point for this assertion is that this bottled water houses chemicals in the vast amount which is hazardous to human health such as Bisphenol A (BPA). These chemicals dilute with the water and form various compounds which are harmful to human body. Moreover, when this water is placed in the hot areas or under direct sunlight then it poses more danger. Further, these water bottles are very much expensive as compared to